Links to Learning
While states and the federal government are expected to fund basic school supplies, oftentimes programs are left lacking and teachers find themselves buying their own classroom supplies, using outdated technology and textbooks. Assistance League of Capistrano Valley believes in empowering educators to create engaging and impactful learning experiences for their students.
The Links to Learning philanthropy awards grants to middle school educators in the Capistrano Valley Unified School District. Since the program’s inception in 2000, our chapter has provided 1,000s of grants to middle schools teachers for district approved but non-funded learning enrichment programs. Since each grant can benefit multiple students, the impact is exponential. Annually, this programs provides $35-45K in grants ranging from $50 to $500 per educator.
Applications, which outline individual projects and their respective budgets, are solicited from classroom teachers, school counselors and media specialists. Our chapter members act as liaisons to each of the middle schools in the Capistrano Unified School District and keep the schools informed about the Links to Learning program.
In order to be considered for grant money, the program/project request must:
- Directly benefit and involve students
- Support and enhance school curriculum
- Help prepare students for the their futures
- Promote STEM and STEAM curriculum
Its purpose is to provide grants to qualified school personnel to enrich classroom instruction for middle school students. The total amount awarded varies each year, but grants are given in amounts from $50 to $500. Only one application is accepted per person. Applicants may team together for a grant exceeding $500, but each applicant must submit a grant.
Application Submissions
Application due by: Friday, September 6, 2024 by 6PM (FIRM)
Questions?? Contact us at: links2learning@assistanceleague-capistranovalley.org
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