Quote from Gene James, Mayor of San Clemente

At a recent ribbon cutting to celebrate the Bargain Box Thrift Store’s recent improvements, San Clemente Mayor Gene James shared “The Assistance League of Capistrano Valley is an amazing organization. In the past year, they have delivered more than $249,000 to our local students, military members and their families, educators and other community members.  This is a nonprofit that delivers in a huge way to the community with no paid employees and very little overhead.  It is indeed an amazing group of volunteers; they personify the greatness of San Clemente.”

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Grants Received

ALCV was honored with two substantial gifts in December. We received a $5,000 grant from the O.L. Halsell Foundation. The O.L. Halsell Foundation has been funding nonprofit organizations in Orange County for more than 60 years. Thank you to Judy Blake and the Grant Committee for procuring this grant! We also received a $2,500 grant from the Sonance corporation. Sonance offers high-performance, award-winning residential and commercial audio solutions and their headquarters are in San Clemente.

Assistance League of Capistrano Valley offers volunteer opportunities that enrich lives.  Join in the fun and be part of a team that believes community participation can help make a profound difference in the lives of others. Visit our ‘Become a Member’ page for more information.

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Awarded GuideStar Platinum Seal!

The Assistance League of Capistrano Valley is proud to be rewarded with the GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency! The Platinum Seal of Transparency is the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information.  Click here to view our GuideStar Exchange nonprofit report.

Assistance League of Capistrano Valley offers volunteer opportunities that enrich lives.  Join in the fun and be part of a team that believes community participation can help make a profound difference in the lives of others. Visit our ‘Become a Member’ page for more information.

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